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Scottsville, Texas at a glance:

Where is Scottsville, Texas?

32.5405, -94.2383 latitude / longitude

GPS coordinates for Scottsville

903Area Code

Scottsville, TX

375 feet(114.30 meters)

Elevation above sea level

CST (-6) Central Standard Time

Scottsville Time Zone

9:52 AM Current Time in Scottsville

*Scottsville observes daylight savings time

FIPS #: 48County Number: 203

Harrison County, TX

Congressional District

South Region, West South Central Division

How big is Scottsville, Texas?

0.00square miles

Total Area

1 zip code


What's the weather like in Scottsville, Texas?

46.11 inches

Annual Precipitation

82.7 degrees farenheit

Average July temperature

45.1 degrees farenheit

Average January temp

What's business like in Scottsville, Texas?


total businesses


total employees

73 : 1

Employee to Employer


Business Delivery Mailboxes

$4,735,000U.S. Dollars

Business First Quarter Payroll

$16,249,000U.S. Dollars

Business Annual Payroll

How many people live in Scottsville, Texas?

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